The energy sector is considered high risk according to the definition of critical infrastructure, established by the national government, for which it must guarantee the security of its technological assets through the implementation of good security practices based on validated international standards such as NERC CIP. . {Electric Reliability Organization Enterprise criticizes! infrastructure protection). ´

Basically NERC CIP, consists of 11 reference sections:

1. CIP-002-5: Cyber ​​Security – BES Cyber ​​Asset and BES Cyber ​​System Categorization
2. CIP-003-5: Cyber ​​Security Management Controls
3. CIP 004-5: Personnel and Training
4. CIP-005-5: Cyber ​​Security – Electronic Security Perimeter(s)
5. CIP-006-5: Cyber ​​Security – Physical Security of BES Cyber ​​Systems
6. CIP-007-5: Cyber ​​Security-Systems Security Management
7. CIP-008-5: Cyber ​​Security Incident Reporting and Response Planning
8. CIP-009-5: Cyber ​​Security-Recovery Plans for BES Cyber ​​Assets and Systems
9. CIP-010-1 : Cyber ​​Security-Configuration Management and Vulnerability Assessments
1O. CIP-011-1 : Cyber ​​Security-Information

The NERC CIP bases its methodology on the integration of standards such as ISO27001:2013 (Information Security), NIST Cyber ​​Security Framework, ISO31000 (Risk Management), ISO22301 (Business Continuity) and ISO27032 (Cyber ​​Security Management) .

Hacking Mode has an interdisciplinary team of professionals made up of auditors in the different branches of information security and computer security with extensive experience, certified ethical hackers, some of them with international knowledge in the hall of fame of Facebook, Google, Apple, for detecting security flaws, willing to provide its knowledge and support, so that your organization can implement the NERC CIP standard and comply with government requirements.

If you are interested in our NERC CIP Audit services, fill out the form and one of our auditors will contact you as soon as possible to analyze your requirements and help you determine a proposal specifically focused on your needs.

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